Friday, September 14, 2012

Typical Italian Pasta (mezze maniche shape) with cherry tomato sauce

I have to admit that I’m addict to pasta, pizza, tortelli, lasagna etc..  I could eat pasta every day, even without sauce! One of the best way to enjoy it is with a simple sauce made with fresh tomatoes, basil and a generous dusting of pecorino romano  (but also the parmesan cheese, or salted ricotta are good alternatives). I prefer to prepare this dish during summer when tomatoes are sweet and delicious, in any case you can find high quality of this ingredient also in December!
Remember to finish cooking the pasta in the pan where you cooked the cherry tomatoes using the cooking water, this is one of the most traditional and authentic Italian recipe, in addition is healthy food.
What do you need for 4 people
360g. pasta ( mezze maniche shape)
15/20 sweet cherry tomatoes (depending on size)
5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
10 fresh basil leaves
Salt / pepper
A few drops of olive oil flavored with chili pepper (or you can use chili powder)
1 tablespoon salt to cook pasta
Start to cook pasta in a large bowl with the salt , in the meantime, brown the garlic over low heat for 2 minutes, incorporate the chopped tomatoes, salt, pepper and olive oil flavored with chili, cook for about ten minutes. Remove the peel of tomatoes and then add the basil.
Cook pasta 5 minutes under the required cooking time, then place it in the pan with the tomato sauce.
Finish cooking using from time to time cooking water.
Season to taste, place the pasta in a serving dish , garnish with pecorino grated cheese, decorated with basil.

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