Casal di Pari, a very small village, a divertion on the road that connects Siena to Grosseto, in the attractive square you will find restaurant by Rosanna, which is the owner of this tavern, she will ask you what you want to eat drawing up the list of the menu, you will find almost always pici pasta with garlic tomato sauce , tagliatelle and ravioli, wild boar, pork and tuscan cakes.
The food is great and typically Tuscan, everything prepared by Rosanna, in October you will find mushrooms.
During the Christmas holidays I recommend Ricciarelli and Panforte cakes made by Rosanna, the restaurant is casual, house red wine , historically this place is attended by hunters and loveregular customers.
After lunch by Rosanna you can go for a walk along the streets of the town or visit Siena, stop in Piazza del Campo and enjoy the warmth of the sun and the view of this beautiful and impressive square.
Very nice.