Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Italian Pesto with Basil and Pistachios

Vacation time, sun and sea of Tuscany this year, i.e at home..... The hair starts to get lighter, the skin darker and I feel like to stay at the beach till evening . The dinners with friends multiply and so here's a nice recipe of pasta with pesto. In Italy usually we use pine nuts in this case I replaced them with the pistachios. I love these recipe, it’s a dainty and delicious dish, a perfect alternative you will make a great impression with the guests!

typical italian pesto What do you need for 6 persons

60 g. fresh basil

100 g. pistachios

60 g. Pecorino Romano cheese

60 g. Parmesan cheese

1 small garlic clove (without the center )

150 g. extra virgin olive oil


Wash and dry the basil with salad spinner, note that has to be dry. Place the basil and all together ingredients in a food processor, mince for about 20/30 seconds, then add the oil and emulsify for another 20 seconds.
Season with salt. The pesto will keep for several days in the fridge. 

italian fresh basil 

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